Thursday, December 29, 2011

6 Months

So as always I am very late in posting these. I got a new toy for Christmas (an IPad) so I intend to be posting a lot more. I have a lot of things to that I want to say, and I have had some posts rattling around in my head for months. But for now, I need to get the 6 month update up before it is time to do the 7 month ones. Eowyn is our wiggle worm. She is never were we leave her these days. She can still pretty much only roll from back to stomach, but she manages to twist and scoot her way around. I am sure she must have teeth moving up although I can not see them yet. She is constantly drooling now, everything goes in her mouth to bite and chew on, and she often rubs things against her gums. The only thing she won't put in her mouth is cereal. We started that about 2 weeks ago. She wants nothing to do with it. I took the girls to their 6 month appointment on Monday. Both girls had double ear infections. I didn't't see that one coming. Neither one had any real symptoms (although they had been really congested for a long time), and Gabriel never had one when he was little. Other than that, both girls are well. Eowyn is weighing I in at 15lbs 3oz.

Tessa is much more laid back than her sister. She continues to be a little physically behind Eowyn's development, but she is catching up. She can also only roll over from back to stomach, but she doesn't usually scoot much. Tessa is still ahead vocally though. She currently loves hearing herself screech. She weighs 16lbs 8oz now.

It is so much fun to watch the girls interact. The talk to each other more these days. The also seem concerned if the other one is upset. If I place them near each other, I will often find them holding hands, or I will find Eowyn's grabbing Tessa's face. I attempt to get a picture of them together every month. This is the best one I got. I have decided it is a good practice to end a photo session once someone starts sucking on someone else's hand.

1 comment:

  1. I came over from Cari's blog. Your girls are so sweet! I laughed out loud when I saw the picture of the two of them. The quilt in the pictures is beautiful!
