Saturday, October 29, 2011


Each of these is fully deserving of there own post, but who am I kidding?  If I don't combine them, they may never get written.  I guess I should start with the milestone that has waiting the longest.

Gabriel turned 7!...3 months ago.  I meant to write something on his birthday, but I got busy preparing files for my sub to start the school year with (files he did not even use...but that is a different story).  Then this milestone went on the list of blog posts that I want to write.  This list seems to be getting always longer and never shorter.

This year has been a big year for Gabriel.  He has really developed a love for reading.  He reads everywhere (including the car).  Gabriel's love for Legos has continued to grow.  I could not bring myself to buy more sets for him for his birthday so instead we bought him a table for the end of his bed to build on.  Gabriel has had to get used to having 2 sisters at home.  He has been a pretty sweet big brother.  One of my favorite memories was listening to him sign "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" to Tessa when he visited her at the NICU.  As always, Gabriel continues to crack us up with the things that will come out of his mouth.  It is so fun to hear about how he views and analyzes the world.

Tessa and Eowyn turned 4 months a couple of weeks ago.  I did take pictures, but they have been sitting on my camera since then.

Tessa is still more vocal and less mobile.  She can make a whole range of baby noises, and it is fun to have a conversation with her.  I love Tessa smiles.  She always gives huge open-mouthed smiles.  She still is not very interested in moving around.  When I set Tessa down, I know she will still be there when I get back.  At her check-up, she was almost 14 1/2 pounds.

Eowyn is only a little over 13 pounds, but she is now longer than her sister.  She is making some baby noises, but she would much rather be on the move.  She has not flipped from stomach to back lately because she is much more interested in putting both her legs and arms up at the same time when she is on her belly.  She is working on flipping to her stomach from her back.  She can almost get there, but she hasn't quite figured out what to do with her arm.  She continues to love to kick.  It is funniest in her bath.  She loves to kick and splash up water.

In the last week or so, the girls have really started to notice each other.  They stare at each other, and sometimes smile back and forth.  It is really fun to watch them interact with each other.

This week Jason and I celebrated 10 years of marriage.  Okay, maybe celebrated is not the right word.  I am not sure a card given in between feedings, diaper changes, homework, and making a vocabulary hat (for Gabriel's school) really counts as celebrating.   I am so grateful though for a husband who grabs a bottle to feed a baby, who will change a diaper (even a dirty one of he has to), and who will lie through his teeth that the hat I threw together looks great.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it has been 10 years! WOW! The girls and Gabriel look great!
