Sunday, October 30, 2011

Alphabet Soup

When I realized I was part of the IF community, my Ob/Gyn was the first to try to treat me.  Then I went to see an RE (okay three) who among other things diagnosed me with PCOS, ran an HSG to look at my tubes, and three SIS's to get a closer look at my uterus lining.  After 2 failed IUI's, I did my first IVF and got pregnant with the triplets.  After the complications threw me into PTL, I lost all three boys and became part of the IL community as well.  After a failed FET and another successful IVF, I became pregnant with the twins.  I had another bout of PTL, but the girls were eventually taken early for other reasons.  They spent their first week(s) in the NICU.  Now my biggest worries are SIDS and RSV.

* I went easy on you.  I decided not to include the whole host of acronyms commonly used in the IF community like BFN, BFP, and PUPO.


  1. I had PTL with all of my kids, turned out being my cervix. As you know another high school friend had a transabdominal suture. Maybe that will help you if you want more kids.

    1. I just realized how to directly reply to posts (pathetic I know). I did not have any trouble with PTL with my son. I was overdue with him in fact. My labor with the triplets was due to an amniotic leak. None of my doctors think that I have IC. I think they feel that I will be fine with another singleton, and that I may just need monitored and be off my feet with multiples.
