Monday, May 2, 2011

28 Weeks

A hospital trip, bed rest orders, and hitting 28 weeks, and I still don't update the blog for a week so what else is new.  I have been busy..well sort of.  If you count staring at my belly wondering if I am going to have contractions this hour busy, then I have been very busy. 

It all started last Wednesday at lunch time.  It was a B-day (my least favorite of the school days).  My only break for the day is my 30 minute lunch period.  I was already a few minutes late getting down to the lunch room.  I sent my lunch down and went to the restroom first.  There, I noticed some mucus, but not much.  Now, I have to mention here that a woman on a forum that I follow started passing some mucus and ended up giving birth to her twins a couple of days later.  She never called her doctor until the day she delivered.  I sat back at the lunch table trying to figure out what I was going to do.  You hate to call the doctor's office for something small and look ridiculous...especially as a third-time pregnant mom.  I decided to call, but when.  By the time I walked to my room after lunch, it was only a couple of minutes until the office closed for their lunch, and I had 30 students on the way to my room.  I had also forgotten my cell phone at home that morning, and I didn't want to talk to the nurse with students in my room.  Normally, there is another teacher at school who I know well that has prep that period.  She would of covered my class while I called, but she was off that day.  I decided to teach the next two periods.  I was starting to regret my decision as I was feeling a few more contractions than I was used to during my afternoons.  They were becoming frequent, but still irregular.  After my last class left, I tried to call my doctor's office, but I was going to have to leave a message.  I hung up.  I had no cell phone number for them to call me back on during my drive home.  I hurried to my car and drove home as fast as I could.  After calling from home, I was brought into the office and eventually sent to the hospital for monitoring.  I had to stay the night because at one point I was contracting every 3-4 minutes.  I was given a few shots of terbutaline, and I was put on the oral medication procardia.  The contractions subsided, but now I have earned myself bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. 
My cervix is still holding at greater than 2.5 and my test to check for the likelihood of pre-term labor was negative so I still considered low-risk for delivering early for twins.

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