Friday, May 13, 2011

30-Week Weigh In

I had both of my 30 week appointments in the last day or so.  Both went okay, but not fully as expected. 

My OB appointment started with my introduction to nurse practitioner #2 (for those of you keeping...yes, I know that is just me...that is 4 doctors, 2 nurse practitioners, and 4 ultrasound techs that I have had this pregnancy not including my fertility doctor).  I was a little annoyed that at 30 weeks I was again being seen by someone who knew nothing about me or my history.  I had even sat down before this appointment to write a list of questions for my doctor, and I realized that none of them were going to be answered.  I don't know if I have just been spoiled up to now, but at my previous two OB's, the only time I ever saw a nurse practitioner during my pregnancy was at my first appointment with Gabriel to get information and a pre-natal prescription.  The rest of my appointment went quickly and smoothly.  I am measuring 41 weeks now.  Jason was finally able to make it to one of my appointments, but of course didn't get to meet my doctor.  He doesn't have a good track record.  He met the OB that delivered Gabriel only once right before he was born.  He met the OB that delivered Nathaniel that day after he was born, and he never met the OB who delivered Kade (Roanin delivered himself).  And yes, each of my children so far has been delivered by a different doctor.  I am assuming we will break that trend finally since I believe that one doctor will deliver both of these girls.

I also had my last regularly scheduled appointment at my high-risk doctor.  The babies both looked fine.  Baby A is measuring 3lb 5oz and Baby B is measuring 3lb 8oz.  Baby A is still transverse, and Baby B is now breech.  I told my sister a long time ago that I hoped my decision for a VBAC would be very clear with future pregnancies.  The twins are living up to that.  They are making a C-section the clear choice.  The one issue with my scan today was my cervix.  It has now shortened to under 2, and it is showing some funneling at the internal os.  My high-risk doctor is asking my OB to think about running another fetal fibronectin test.  I am hoping that I will her from my OB about it on Monday.

Mostly right now I am struggling with how to prepare myself.  I basically see this pregnancy ending now in one of four ways:

1.  The babies are born mature.  My hospital stay is fairly normal with the babies in the room with me.  We are able to come home together.

2.  The babies are born premature.  They will spend time in the NICU before they come home, and they will possibly have problems with breathing and/or feeding, along with other potential health problems.

3.  I will lose the babies.

4.  A combination of the three above.

I now this options are not exclusive to me, and really every pregnancy faces these options.  But, many women dismiss the last three, and proceed as if option 1 will happen every time.  I felt that way largely with Gabriel.  Being pregnant with multiples though has made option 2 much more real to me, and the death of the triplets make me face option 3.  It is hard to believe that the next seven to eight weeks can hold such a vast array of possibilities.  I just pray that I will trust and rely on the Lord no matter which one comes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for you and the girls. Try to take it much as you can :)
