Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Due Date

When they put those two embryos in I, being me, already knew what there due date would be..August 3rd, Gabriel's birthday. I could not believe that it was true. It was not planned. Yes, I know your laughing. IVF is about as planned pregnancy as they come. I found out I was pregnant on Thanksgiving (with Gabriel it was the day after Thanksgiving). I already had visions of being very pregnant on his birthday or possibly having a little one to bring to the party. I would then take the next few months off of school spending time with this new little person that was added to the family. That vision changed by quite a bit when we found out that the two had become three. Now I knew that I would have them before Gabriel's birthday. I was just hoping that they would be home by that time.

They were born before Gabriel's birthday, and they have gone home.

Today is a due date with nothing due.

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