Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Fertility Story: Another New Doctor

Now we were waiting for the new doctor to come. We were told it would be in July, and they would start making appointments in June. I managed to get an appointment on their first day open. Again, I thought that we would proceed straight to IVF, and again I was proven wrong. He wanted me to come in for a procedure to check if everything was healthy before we moved on. A month later, I had the procedure. I showed that I had some scar tissue that would need to be removed by surgery. My surgery was scheduled a few weeks later. It was going to be a long day when I had my pre-op appointment. I had to drive from my house on the south side, to the school on the west side, to the appointment on the north-east side, back to the school on the west side (parent-teacher night), and finally back home to the south side. I was on my way to the appointment when I received a phone call from the doctor's office. They wanted to know if I wanted to proceed with the surgery even though they weren't covered on my insurance yet. What? Not covered on my insurance? You mean, all my appointment so far have not been covered. Yes, was her reply. That was exactly what she was saying. They were working on getting covered (had been since before they opened), and it should happen soon. Did I want to wait a few weeks until it happened? Of course, my answer was yes. As i was talking to her, I got off the next exit that passed, pulled into a random parking lot, and cried. I cried for the delay in our treatment, the bill that was coming in the mail for the appointments that we had already had, and my stupidity in not checking to see if he was covered. The doctor before him was covered, and they had taken my insurance card at the new place with no comment at each appointment. They finally got covered though, and I had my surgery. Now, we were ready to start IVF, and in November they transferred to embryos to me.

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