Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Fertility Story: Plan B

Jason and I started to try to have another baby when Gabriel was about 6 months old. It really wasn't the best of times for us to have one as I was in the middle of master classes, and I was about to switch careers. We figured that it would take a little while though, and we would make it through somehow. I didn't really get worried until we hit the one year mark, and I realized that we may have a problem. This was especially apparent as my cycle became more erratic than it ever had before. I decided that I would wait it out until my next doctor's appointment in about 6 months. Of course in my head, I really thought the pattern might repeat itself, and I would be pregnant before I went to this appointment. It didn't. I went to my appointment not sure of how I would be received. I had a 2-year old child at home. Would my doctor look at me like I was crazy when I said we were having problems? He didn't. Although, the fact that we did have Gabriel would slow our treatment down by years. He suggested that I get some blood work and come back in a couple of months. When I came back for the results, nothing was wrong. All of my results were in normal range. He did not really see the need for further tests since I already had a child so I was put on Clomid. Normally, you should only be on Clomid for three months at a time (some doctors say you can do up to six months), and the normal dosages are 50, 100, or 150 mg. Not realizing this at the time, I was put on at least eight cycles by my doctor, and at the end, I was taking 200 mg. It never worked. Each time I turned in my last few failed temperature charts, my doctor said that we would do one more cycle before he referred me to a specialist. Finally, I had enough. I did not turn in my last chart, and I referred myself to one. I made an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist (in other words, a fertility doctor). The appointment was almost exactly a year after my first doctor's appointment. At this time, Gabriel was 3, and we had been trying for 2.5 years.

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